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I kinda really like the game! The info dumb of a tutorial in the beginning was a bit rough on my brain, but once I figured things out it's a pretty fun game!


It's quite cute and enjoyable

Here's some points to work on if you want to make it a full game:

- the story needs to have the game paused. It overlaps the bottom tables for me so you cant actually play the game

- there has to be a point system or time system so you get rewarded for finishing the work faster.

- It took me a while to understand which character does what tasks. I thought the shirt colors matter, but didn't see the overlay for a while. 

- A progression system could be that each character only does their main shirt color first, but you can train them in other colors.

-missions. the game needs levels or missions.

with a little focus I can see this being a quite enjoyable game


Cute game Artificer!! It's so fun dragging and dropping the characters, the detail in the little animations are great and love each character's appearance and expression. :) 


Posted this on the game jam page and posting this here as well:

This was incredibly enjoyable and I LOVED the amount of polish the VFX and animation had. It could benefit from pausing during the intro cutscene (as I think the game was running during this time) and a bit more of a tutorial. That being said, I loved how all the characters were designed, animated, and worked together. The mechanics also seemed really well realized and I would love to see a full version of this game with multiple levels and maybe an overarching narrative! I have so many thoughts about the game feel, art, and mechanics. Overall, lovely job!